Weekly Photo Challenge: (Extra)ordinary

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “(Extra)ordinary.”

I love the intro post to this week’s photo challenge. Photography has risen high up on the top of my hobbies in the past few years. I went from photographing people and landscapes to remember events and gatherings to try out silly things, dressing up for photo sessions and finding the tiny weird things you come across in life, trying to capture it the way I see them.

The most beautiful gift then is when you walk around having other things in mind and suddenly see something interesting from the corner of your eye.

Like this screw I found in the concrete floor somewhere in Zürich.

watermarked-screw in concrete

It was just there. I mean, what does a screw do in the concrete?! Did anyone put it in there purposefully, or did it fall in there by mere accident? We’ll never know. Nevertheless, I love that screw 😀

Friday Flow #29: Writing A Letter To Yourself

tn_watermarked-letter 1 Now here’s a weirdish thought for you: did you ever write a real paper letter to yourself? I did! And I just received it back today 🙂 !!! Let me explain how this all happened:

A few months back I attended a very interesting workshop. At one stage of the workshop, we were told to write a letter to ourselves. Anything we’d like. And I hated the idea…!

I sat there in front of that white piece of paper and had no clue of what I should do with it. I had some thoughts and brushed them away again. It just didn’t seem right. A letter, yes, anytime! But to myself? Why would I write to myself? I’d remember everything I’d write anyhow!

I then thought of just drawing something to myself instead to fill the time. Everyone else in the course seemed to be writing ferociously while I was slowly chewing around the end of my pen. How embarrassing!

And then it somehow just kicked off. I started wishing myself things for the future and then I could barely stop! I wrote a million things down and while everyone else already finished, I was still trying to squeeze in more things into my letter and ended up  being the last one to seal and hand it in. Who would have thought so?

The teacher at the workshop told us that we will be getting our letter some time in the future, but she wouldn’t tell when. I kept the letter in the back of my head, hoping to receive it in a few years maybe or so – what an exciting thought!!!

And then today it was in the mail! I immediately recognized my handwriting on the address field. What, she already Continue reading

Weekly Photo Challenge: Creepy

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Creepy.”

…you want creepy? I’ll get you creepy…!!! 😉

watermarked-creepy the ring

One of my old hobbies – dressing people up and doing fancy weird shootings with them… Ah, those times… Only looking at the pictures of this session gives me utter creeps!!! Hope it creeps you out as well 😀

<a href="https://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_photo_challenge/creepy/">Creepy</a>