Weelkly Photo Challenge: Early Bird

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Early Bird.”

I’m not an early bird at all^^. I’m a night owl. I could stay up all night doing things. I feel more creative at night. You barely find me up and about in the early hours of the mornings 🙂 It is very, very seldomly that it happens. Only for special occasions, most of the time.

Like climbing Mount Sinai in Egypt to have a look at the sunrise. I cursed myself during most of the hike, repeatingly asking myself why on earth I would torture myself to do such a thing. My new hiking shoes were worn, but not worn for long enough, so I felt the blisters building up on my feet. But after all the effort and cursing, I was up on the top, happily awaiting the sunrise. And oh boy, what a sight, but specially – my camera-addicted heart skipped beats at the many beautiful sights to catch and behold forever.

Since I wasn’t able to participate on the last two Weekly Photo Challenges, I’ll share my three favourite shots of that early morning with you. I hope you enjoy them ❤

tn_watermarked-weekly photo challenge - early bird I tn_watermarked-weekly photo challenge - early bird II tn_watermarked-weekly photo challenge - early bird III

Early Bird