SL-Week #16: Alone

You can be alone in pretty much every place on this planet. As soon as you put up your personal invisible barrier it is done. You can be alone in a big crowd of people. Or literally, out in the nature with no one around you.

In photographs though, you often get the feeling that a place is pretty lonely. The trick is to just show you a tiny window of the landscape, hiding all the tourists or crowds around you. That way, you could manage to bring across a certain extend of solitude.

You don’t always need to travel to the furthest deserts to have that feeling. Even in a big city you can find a quiet corner where you are alone and get the same sort of feeling. I love finding those corners, here in the town I’m living or when abroad. I like my peace and quiet every once in a while, hiding there with a good book on my lap.

For this particular SL-Week Challenge “Alone” I would like to share one of those pictures that make you think there’s no one around. I won’t be lying to you though – the place was pretty crowded 😉 The  beautiful Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is a well-known desert, visited by loads of tourists every day. I loved the view of this particular tourist I spotted amongst the others, a bit on the side, weirdly enough for us with an umbrella. It made the whole picture so strange and beautiful, with a hint of madness, that I’m very glad I got to catch that in a photograph. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

watermarked-salar de uyuni bolivia