Weekly Photo Challenge: (Extra)ordinary

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “(Extra)ordinary.”

I love the intro post to this week’s photo challenge. Photography has risen high up on the top of my hobbies in the past few years. I went from photographing people and landscapes to remember events and gatherings to try out silly things, dressing up for photo sessions and finding the tiny weird things you come across in life, trying to capture it the way I see them.

The most beautiful gift then is when you walk around having other things in mind and suddenly see something interesting from the corner of your eye.

Like this screw I found in the concrete floor somewhere in Zürich.

watermarked-screw in concrete

It was just there. I mean, what does a screw do in the concrete?! Did anyone put it in there purposefully, or did it fall in there by mere accident? We’ll never know. Nevertheless, I love that screw 😀

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